The AlzProducts email basket/quotation feature is the latest improvement to our ordering process.
Visitors to our site can now email the products in their basket directly from our shopping basket page, simply look for the following;
Further details
- Any visitor to our website can email their basket, you do not need to create an account with us
- The prices in your basket are guaranteed for 30 days
- Ideal for saving products for later, to show friends/relatives, or for our NHS/trade/care home customers
We respect your privacy
- The email address entered is not used for any other purpose, it isn't stored by AlzProducts for future reference, and cannot be seen by members of staff
We're here to help
Although your details are not stored when you email a basket, all baskets are viewable by AlzProducts staff under an anonymous name.
This allows us to check correct pricing and honour lower prices, and also to help with any queries you may have regarding the products in a basket.